Tao Song and Tao Dance: Sacred Sound, Movement, and Power from the Source for Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity, and Transformation of All Life - Couverture souple

9781451673142: Tao Song and Tao Dance: Sacred Sound, Movement, and Power from the Source for Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity, and Transformation of All Life


Foundation of Tao Song

SOUL LANGUAGE AND Soul Song are the foundation of Tao Song. I offered comprehensive teaching about Soul Language and Soul Song in the first book of the Soul Power Series, Soul Wisdom: Practical Soul Treasures to Transform Your Life. In this book, I will give you the essence that you need for study and understanding of Tao Song.

Soul Language

In October 1994 I traveled from Canada back to China to study with Dr. and Master Zhi Chen Guo, my most beloved spiritual father and master. Nearly twenty thousand people gathered in his healing center. They spoke Soul Language together. The vibration was beyond comprehension. I could feel heat penetrating my body. This was extremely fascinating to me. Never before had I experienced such a huge number of people speaking Soul Language together.

I really wanted to bring out my own Soul Language. I followed the teaching. I chanted the divine code San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu (3396815 in Chinese, pronounced sahn sahn jeo leo bah yow woo). To bring out your Soul Language, the technique is to chant San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu as fast as you can.1 I chanted so fast, yet after ten days my Soul Language still could not flow out.

Back in Canada in 1996, I really wanted to teach Soul Language. I asked Heaven to bless me to bring out my Soul Language and my Soul Language translation abilities. Heaven saw my sincere heart’s desire to spread this powerful teaching. This time, when I chanted San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu continuously and chanted faster and faster, my Soul Language quickly flowed out. A strange voice came out of my mouth. It sounded like “babababababababa. . . .” It was so fast that it shocked me. I was extremely excited. My body was shaking and I felt a lot of heat. I was so happy and grateful that my Soul Language had come out.

I then asked Heaven to open my Soul Language Channel further so I could translate my Soul Language. In 1994 at Master Guo’s healing center, I had learned the basic principles for translating Soul Language. But because I could not flow out my Soul Language at that time, even after practicing diligently for ten days, of course I could not translate my Soul Language either when I was at Master Guo’s center.

After I finally flowed out my Soul Language in 1996, I applied the basic teaching for translating Soul Language. I asked Heaven to bless me. I started to speak my Soul Language. As I continued to flow my Soul Language, I suddenly heard a few simple sentences in my mind: “I am very happy to speak my Soul Language. I am honored to teach Soul Language. I will apply Soul Language for healing and rejuvenation.” I was so excited to hear these few sentences in my head as my Soul Language flowed out. This was the beginning of my Soul Language translation.

I share my personal experience of bringing out my Soul Language and beginning to translate my Soul Language because Soul Language is the foundation of Tao Song.


There are thousands of languages on Mother Earth. There is only one Soul Language.

Soul Language is the voice and language of the soul. Although everyone’s Soul Language sounds different, Soul Language is the universal language. All souls understand Soul Language. All souls communicate through Soul Language.

A human being consists of soul, mind, and body. Soul is spirit. Mind is consciousness. Body includes all of the systems, organs, tissues, and cells.

Everyone speaks his or her native language. We learn and speak our native language through our minds, which is our consciousness. As we grow up and go to school, many of us start to study a second language. To learn and speak any language is to use the mind.

A physical human being does not usually speak Soul Language. A newborn baby, however, definitely speaks Soul Language, which is the baby’s soul voice. Before a baby can speak a human language, the baby makes all kinds of sounds—baba, woo, yaya, da ha hu. We call this “baby talk,” but these sounds are actually the baby’s soul voice and Soul Language. They carry meaning. They can be translated to human language and understood. When an infant starts to speak a human language, the baby’s Soul Language usually stops.


Soul Language carries soul frequency and vibration, which can transform the frequency and vibration of your systems, organs, tissues, and cells. Soul Language carries your soul’s love, forgiveness, compassion, and light. Soul Language has great significance and power, including the following points:

· The Soul Language Channel is a major spiritual Channel that allows one to communicate with the Soul World.

· Soul Language carries soul love, which melts all blockages and transforms all life.

· Soul Language carries soul forgiveness, which brings inner joy and inner peace.

· Soul Language carries soul compassion, which boosts energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity.

· Soul Language carries soul light, which heals, prevents sickness, rejuvenates, and transforms all life, including relationships and finances.

· Soul Language is a soul treasure for self-healing your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies.

· Soul Language is a soul treasure for boosting your energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity.

· Soul Language is a soul treasure for rejuvenating your soul, heart, mind, and body.

· Soul Language is a soul treasure for advancing your Tao journey, whose final destiny is to reach immortality.


Now I will share with you and humanity how to speak Soul Language.

Anyone can bring out his or her Soul Language by applying the teaching here. As you follow the teaching and bring out your Soul Language, you will understand Soul Language much better.

Apply the Four Power Techniques I have shared in all of my books:

Body Power. Sit up straight. Put the tip of your tongue as close as you can to the roof of your mouth without touching. Contract your anus for a few seconds and then release. Put your hands in the Soul Light Era Prayer Position by gently covering your Message Center2 with your left palm. Put your right hand in the traditional prayer position with fingers pointing up in front of the left hand. See figure 1.

Soul Power. Say hello:

Dear Divine,

Dear Tao,

Dear soul mind body of all spiritual fathers and mothers in all layers of Heaven and on Mother Earth,

Dear Heaven,

Dear Mother Earth,

Dear countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes,

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

Please bring my Soul Language out.

I am extremely grateful.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Mind Power. Concentrate and focus on your Message Center. Visualize bright golden light or bright rainbow light radiating in your Message Center.

Sound Power. As Dr. and Master Zhi Chen Guo was meditating early one morning in 1974, he received the divine code San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu (3396815 in Chinese, pronounced sahn sahn jeo leo bah yow woo) from the Divine. This divine code is the sacred key to bring out your Soul Language and to offer divine healing, blessing, and life transformation. This sacred code has power beyond comprehension. San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu (3396815) is powerful because:

· It was created by the Divine. When you chant this sacred code, the Divine comes to help you.

· It has divine calling power. When you chant this sacred code, countless saints, buddhas, healing angels, archangels, ascended masters, lamas, gurus, kahunas, and all other types of spiritual fathers and mothers will respond.

· It carries a special vibration to stimulate the body in a sacred pattern. The sound of each number vibrates and stimulates the cells in a particular area of the body:

San (3) stimulates the chest.

Jiu (9) stimulates the lower abdomen.

Liu (6) stimulates the ribs.

Ba (8) stimulates the navel.

Yao (1) stimulates the head.

Wu (5) stimulates the stomach.

When you chant San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu (3396815), energy flows in the body as shown in figure 2.

Energy starts to vibrate in the chest, and then flows to the lower abdomen. From there it moves to the ribs and then goes to the navel. Next it radiates to the head. Finally it moves down to the stomach. This movement of energy in the body is a sacred healthy pattern. Moving energy in this pattern just by chanting San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu is sacred divine healing and rejuvenation.

I have shared the sacred divine code 3396815 in almost all of my books, including Power Healing,3 published in 2002. In the years since, thousands of people all over the world have applied this divine mantra to develop their Soul Language.

Chant San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu (3396815), pronounced sahn sahn jeo leo bah yow woo, as quickly as possible. Suddenly a special sound that you have never heard before could flow out.

It could sound like “ba ba ba ba ba” or “la la la la la la la” or “ei ya ya ya ya you,” or “he he he he he he he.” It could sound more complicated than these examples. It could sound like humming or singing. Everyone’s Soul Language has its own sound.

Generally speaking, Soul Language has a repetitive quality in the beginning. As you continue to speak Soul Language, it can change from day to day. Soul Language does not follow any formula. It expresses the nature of soul very well. The soul has freedom and flexibility. Therefore, Soul Language is expressed in a variety of tones and sounds.

Practice to bring out your Soul Language now. Chant aloud:

3396815—sahn sahn jeo leo bah yow woo

3396815—sahn sahn jeo leo bah yow woo

3396815—sahn sahn jeo leo bah yow woo

3396815—sahn sahn jeo leo bah yow woo

3396815—sahn sahn jeo leo bah yow woo

3396815—sahn sahn jeo leo bah yow woo

3396815—sahn sahn jeo leo bah yow woo . . .

Chant faster! Chant even faster!! Chant as fast as you can!!! Let go of the desire to pronounce the words correctly. Your special sound could flow out.

In order to confirm that you are really speaking Soul Language, stop the special sound. Then start chanting 3396815 (sahn sahn jeo leo bah yow woo) again. Chant as fast as you can. In a short time your special sound could flow out again. Then stop the special voice again, and go back to chanting 3396815 (sahn sahn jeo leo bah yow woo). Chant as fast as you can. The special voice could flow out again quickly.

Repeat this process a few times. Then you can be sure that your Soul Language has flowed out.

A young woman in Georgia studied the Soul Language teaching in my book Soul Wisdom.4 She did the practice. Her Soul Language could not come out. She did the practice again. Her Soul Language still could not come out. She practiced a third time. Still her Soul Language could not come out. Then she said, “I will do it one more time. If my Soul Language does not come out this time, I may never flow out my Soul Language.” She chanted 3396815 for the fourth time. In a few minutes, her Soul Language suddenly flowed out. Her body was shaking.

This can happen for many people when their Soul Language flows out. Their bodies could really shake. Their hearts could beat very fast. They could feel very hot. In 2002 I taught a workshop in Fairfield, Iowa, as part of a tour for my book Power Healing. A chiropractor in the workshop chanted 3396815 and his Soul Language flowed out. He was so excited that he started running and literally jumping around the room.

Your Soul Language has been hidden within you for decades or even many lifetimes. When your Soul Language comes out, it could be a dramatic explosion for your body. Do not be nervous. If you have an extremely strong response to your Soul Language, you can send a Soul Order5 aloud or silently to tell your body, “Stop. Stop. Stop.” Your Soul Language and your bodily reactions could stop instantly.

Soul Language carries soul frequency and vibration with soul love, forgiveness, compassion, and light.

Soul frequency and vibration can transform the frequency and vibration of your mind, body, systems, organs, and cells.

Soul love melts all blockages and transforms all life.

Soul forgiveness brings inner joy and inner peace.

Soul compassion boosts energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity.

Soul light heals, prevents sickness, rejuvenates soul, heart, mind, and body, and transforms relationships, finances, and every aspect of life.

The power of Soul Language is beyond words, comprehension, and imagination.

Some people flow out their Soul Language the first time they practice chanting San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu as fast as possible. Some people flow out their Soul Language after practicing a few times. Remember to chant San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu at least three to five minutes per time. Some people may need to chant for ten to twenty minutes to bring out their Soul Language. Some people may need to practice more than ten times to flow out their Soul Language. Have no attachment. Just by chanting San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu, you could receive remarkable healing and rejuvenation.

There are thousands of heart-touching and moving healing stories from chanting San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu (3396815). I will share one story with you. An acupuncturist in a workshop I taught at the Omega Institute in New York shared that she had learned San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu from my book Power Healing. She was overweight. She grabbed the teaching from Power Healing and said, “Let me chant San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu to lose weight.” Applying the teaching from Power Healing, she said hello (Soul Power):

Dear soul mind body of San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu, I love you.

You have the power to help me lose weight.

Please help me lose weight.

I am very grateful.

Thank you.

Then she chanted San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu many times a day for a few minutes each time. After five days she lost five pounds. She was excited and shared her results with her husband. Her husband also started to chant San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu to lose weight. After five days he achieved a similar result. The two of them shared their experience and this simple soul healing practice with their friends. A few of their friends also received great results by chanting San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu to lose weight.

How does San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu work for losing weight? San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu (3396815) is a sacred divine code and mantra that can remove soul mind body blockages underlying weight challenge...

Présentation de l'éditeur

New York Times bestselling author Master Zhi Gang Sha reveals the significance and power of Tao Song, the highest and most profound Soul Song that can transform every aspect of life, and Tao Dance, movement guided by the Source.

Tao is the Source and Creator.

Tao is The Way of all life.

Tao is the universal principles and laws.

Tao Song is sound from the Source. Tao Dance is movement from the Source. Tao Song and Tao Dance carry Tao power and ability from the Source.

In the ninth book of his revolutionary Soul Power Series, and his third book on Tao, Master Sha reveals new sacred Tao Song mantras that carry Tao frequency and vibration, which can transform the frequency and vibration of all life. Sacred Tao Song mantras and Tao Dance carry Tao love, which melts all blockages; Tao forgiveness, which brings inner joy and inner peace; Tao compassion, which boosts energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity; and Tao light, which heals, prevents sickness, purifies and rejuvenates soul, heart, mind, and body, and transforms relationships, finances, and every aspect of life.

Tao Oneness Practice is created and released. Step into the Tao with Master Sha.

Les informations fournies dans la section « A propos du livre » peuvent faire référence à une autre édition de ce titre.

  • ÉditeurAtria
  • Date d'édition2014
  • ISBN 10 1451673140
  • ISBN 13 9781451673142
  • ReliureBroché
  • Nombre de pages416

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