Aeon Bookstore is a predominantly second hand bookstore in Chinatown / Lower East Side in Manhattan which opened in 2018, following several years of online and in person selling. Items listed are available to view or purchase from at our store but please try to contact us in advance if you would like to see an item in person.
Visitez la page d’accueil du vendeur
Informations commerciales relatives au vendeur
Oktember, LLC
151 East Broadway, New York, NY, 10002, U.S.A.
Conditions de vente :
All items are shipped from our physical location in Lower Manhattan and are avilable to view and pick up at that location.
Conditions de livraison :
Shipped with years of experience - packaged carefully in newsprint, bubble wrap, and solid cardboard. Available for pickup at our physical store in lower Manhattan and otherwise shipped 3-5 days of the week within 1-3 days. Priority mail is highly suggested for domestic purchases over $100 and is required for international purchases over that amount. Otherwise media mail is fine and combined shipping is fine as well !