ABookLegacu offers excellent payment options. Checks, Money Orders and International Money Orders in US dollars drawn on US banks, Visa, Master Card, American Express.For direct credit card purchases. we ship to easily verifiable billing addresses. For shipping to another address, pay via check, or money order. Florida residents, please add 7% sales tax.
For any questions, please contact us at mikebook1@verizon.net.
We never divulge private client information nor purchase histories to any other party.
We make every effort to provide accurate and detailed descriptions of all the item details. We respectfully remind buyers that it is their responsibility to thoroughly review the ENTIRE description prior to placing an order. Questions are welcomed prior to purchasing, but please understand that we cannot be responsible for any disappointment or misunderstandings from buyers not having read and understood the descriptions.
Refunds are available with prior notification within 30 days of ABookLegacy estimated delivery date. All returns should be carefully packaged and shipping methods used in like manner as that used by book seller.
ABookLegacy has been in business for over 20 years and our desire is to exceed buyer expectations!! Carol and I look forward to doing business with you!
Mike and Carol Smith,ABookLegacy
N. Ft. Myers, Fl 33917
Email: mikebook1@verizon.net Proverbs 3:5-6
Visitez la page d’accueil du vendeur
Membre d'association
Les membres de ces associations s'engagent à maintenir des normes de qualité supérieure. Ils garantissent l'authenticité de tous les articles proposés à la vente. Ils fournissent des descriptions expertes et détaillées, indiquent tous les défauts importants ainsi que les restaurations, fournissent des prix clairs et précis et font preuve d’équité et d’honnêteté tout au long de la relation commerciale.
Informations commerciales relatives au vendeur
ABookLegacy, Mike and Carol Smith
FL, U.S.A.
Conditions de vente :
Chèque ou mandat avec la commande. 5,00 $ d'expédition et de manutention (ventes nationales aux États-Unis)
1er livre, 3 $ chacun par la suite. Ajoutez 4 $ chacun pour la priorité. La Floride augmente ses ventes de 7 %
impôt. Non-US est First Class ou Priority International Only (voir la matrice d'expédition)
Nous acceptons les cartes de crédit sur les commandes via notre site Web www.abooklegacy.com.
Veuillez vous rendre sur http://www.abooklegacy.com pour finaliser votre commande.
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Pour plus d'information
Conditions de livraison :
Orders usually ship within 2 business days. Shipping costs are based on books
weighing 2.2 LB, or 1 KG. If your book order is heavy or over-sized, we may
contact you to let you know extra shipping is required.
Books are packaged well with padding. Multiple orders are boxed with padding.
Insurance is provided at an addtional charge if requested and automatically if order exceeds $200 USD.
Informations vendeur détaillées